International Cosplay League

International Cosplay League at Japan Weekend Madrid

International Cosplay League (ICL) is an international cosplay competition taking place at the largest pop culture convention in Spain, taking place in Madrid. The competition was established in 2017 with 11 competed countries, where Denmark participated with representatives selected at Genki. Now, we are proud to carry on the torch for Denmark at ICL!

ICL has two competition categories: a duo and a solo. The duo category is act-based (60 % performance, 40 % craftsmanship), while the solo category is solely craftsmanship-based, thus not having an act. The finale will be a catwalk for the soloists, then the act part for the duos.

Because of this distinction, we have also separated the qualification at J-Popcon: At DCC during Saturday, you have the opportunity to win the duo qualification, while you can win the solo qualification at our craftsmanship competition during Sunday. This is to ensure that our representatives are as prepared as possible for the category they are going to compete in.

The finale takes place every year at the end of September.

Who represented Denmark in past years?


2024 Trine.k.n

2023 Caiva (selected through ICL online selections)

2019 MeanKitteh (selected at Genki)

2018 Caiva (selected at Genki)

2017 Yoshu Cosplay (selected at Genki)


2024 TinYasuo & Aik0hime

2019 Bára & LeonoraLibra (selected at Genki)

2018 Scotch Viking & Ivanhoe (selected at Genki)

2017 Bloodyskyes & Djones (selected at Genki)

Previous Danish winners at ICL



3rd place - Caiva | Quinn, League of Legends



3rd place - Bára & LeonoraLibra | Oerba Yun Fang & Oerba Dia Vanille, Final Fantasy XIII


3rd place - Scotch Viking & Ivanhoe | Governor Ratcliffe & Wiggins, Pocahontas