The Artist Cannon: Dustyleaves

Jan. 18, 2023

It's time to introduce the third and final artist for The Artist Cannon, but certainly not the least: Dustyleaves!


Name: Emilie Bendix Engmann
Artist name: Bendix or DustyLeaves 
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When did you start making your art?

I started from the moment I could hold a pencil. My older siblings and my parents have always been very creative, so it rubbed off on me quickly. 

Is there anything you especially like to make or something you see as your specialty?

I especially love drawing bigger illustrations with my characters from my comic, where I put them in all kinds of different universes and explore different stories in one single drawing. Here, I get the opportunity to play with fashion and environment, which I normally don't draw in my comic itself, and I enjoy making the pictures more alive and creating a sense of movement in the pictures.

How was your first time you participated as an artist in an Artist Alley?

I cannot remember the exact year, but it was all the way back when J-Popcon was still in Valby!

What is the best experience you have had in an Artist Alley?

The best experience has been to sit together with my friend Anja: Her mood and contagious laughter stay the entire weekend and it is always cosy to be creative together with her and see her work.

Is there a special goal or dream you are working torwards with your art?

My only dream is to continue my comic as long as I can manage it and as long as it's fun.


With Dustyleaves, we have introduces all the artists in The Artist Cannon – and aren't all three of them absolutely amazing? Aren't you SO ready to meet all the artists at J-Popcon 2023?