April 24, 2020

UPDATE (11 / 12 / 2020)

In light of the latest developments, we can now announce that J-Popcon 2021 is moving from February to October. J-Popcon 2021 will be held on the 15th to 17th October 2021, the first weekend of the Autumn break.

If you cannot wait, don't fret: The 27th to 28th February 2021 we are hosting J-Popconline! So come online when we turn on the stream and then we are looking forward to hopefully seeing you in October!


UPDATE (18 / 09 / 2020)

After a lot of preliminary work, we have now been able to send our application for compensation to the Danish Business Authority, so now we wait for their reply. When everything hopefully comes into place, we will immediately start the refund process, and everyone should get their money refunded within 24 hours of us starting the process, but it can take longer for it to show up on your account.

We once again thank you for your patience and hope that everything goes as it should. We will update you as soon as we have any news.


UPDATE (16 / 06 / 2020)

We want to give you a quick update on refunds of this year's tickets. We have been waiting for the Danish Business Authority to publish the application form we need to apply for compensation. Now it has finally happened, so hopefully we get the opportunity to refund your the money very soon.

We apologise for the wait, and thank you for your patience.


UPDATE (24 / 04 / 2020)

Dear All,

Now, we are ready to announce the first details of how the date change will work. For those of you who aren't that interested in nitty-gritty details, here's the short version:

All J-Popcon 2020 tickets will be refunded, and when that is done, tickets go on sale for our new date, which will be February 19 to February 21, 2021. Refunds will be ongoing and automatic, so please do not contact us, unless you have not received your refund when we have announced that we are done. When exactly we can get started on the refunds depends solely on how quickly the state processes our application for coverage of our expenses. So I have to ask again for your patience and understanding. Of course, we will keep you updated along the way.

That was the short version of what we are going to do. Here's the why:

What feels like a long time ago now, I wrote here that we would let people keep their tickets even if we moved the event. It was our desire to make the move as painless as possible for both you, and for us.

When that isn't going to happen, it's because we have chosen to make use of the state's compensation scheme for major event-cancellation due to COVID-19. A scheme which did not exist when we made our initial announcement. One of the requirements is that all tickets are to be refunded if we want to cover all of our expenses. And we need that if we are still going to be able to have a J-Popcon in the future. We are bound by a number of contracts that still have to be paid, and we also have some operating expenses that we depend on ticket revenue to cover from year to year.

Why February? It is simply the first date we have been able to get, which we believe is realistic. We have been trying to find a new date in 2020, but all the possibilities we had were swept off the table as the government announced that larger assemblies would continue to be banned until and including August, now September.

As for the theme of the convention, there will be an announcement once we find out. There are many more important things to master first.

As chairman, I apologize on behalf of the entire organizer group that we cannot give you a real J-Popcon this year. Believe me when I say that we have scoured every opportunity, and we regret having to make this decision at least as much as you guys must dislike us doing so.

In regards to our cosplay shows and Artist Alley, all concerned will be contacted by the respective teams as soon as possible with relevant information.

Hopefully this is the last message I need to write to you as chairman. From here on out, I give the word back to our PR group, who will inform you about J-Popcon 2021. See you at the convention. Next year.

Nicholas Ipsen,
Chairman, J-Popkai


UPDATE (06 / 04 / 2020)

Dear friends,

Today, less than an hour ago, the Danish government announced that all major events will be banned until August. We have been working on alternatives for a while, and were planning to announce what exactly we were going to do later this week. That is still the plan, so please be patient for a few more days, until we have the last details sorted out. Your money is not in dager, and J-Popcon is not in danger. We will let you know how refunds are going to work, and when we expect J-Popcon 2020 to take place, before the end of the week.

Thank you for your patience.

Nicholas Ipsen,


UPDATE (17 / 03 / 2020)
As many of you have probably heard, the situation in Denmark has quickly become more serious. The government has gradually tightened the rules on public gatherings, and this evening chose to ban gatherings of more than 10 people for the next 14 days.

Here at the J-Popkai, we have decided that we would like to see the situation. All of us who make J-Popcon happen are volunteers, and have no interest in putting ourselves at risk of infection to organize the convention; but by cancelling today rather than waiting and seeing, we risk causing a lot of problems for both guests, partners and organizers which could have been avoided. That is why we do not want to cancel an event which takes place at the end of May when we are still in mid-March. We believe that this is in line with the recommendations that have come from the authorities so far.

We cannot, of course, avoid the fact that it may not be justifiable to hold the convention. In that case, we will try to move to later this year, but as I have already said, we do not think it is the right thing to do right now. If that changes, you'll hear about it here and on the website as soon as it happens. If you do not have the opportunity to get to the convention on the new date, you will of course have the opportunity to get your ticket reimbursed. If the convention is be postponed until next year, the ticket for 2020 will still be valid. However, if we move, and you expect to have the opportunity to join us at this new date, or am uncertain about whether it fits your schedule, we urge you not to cancel your ticket, as there may be a small price increase in order to cover the increased operating costs this move would be likely to cause. It will, of course, only apply to tickets sold after any changes have be decided.

So, we continue the preparations, and call on everyone to remain calm and follow the reccomendations from the authorities. You'll hear from us again when there's something new to say.

Original post(09 / 03 / 2020)
As most of you are aware of right now, there have been several cases in Denmark of people infected with COVID-19, also known as the corona virus. This has led the Ministry of Health to approve that paragraph 10 in the Danish law on epidemics takes effect, which, amongst other things, could mean the cancellation of public events in a given area. Currently, the prime minister recommends postponing or cancelling events with a 1000 participants or more for the rest of March.

We, in J-Popkai, are aware of this and are keeping a close eye on the development of the situation. We will, of course, follow the instructions given by the Ministry of Health, but we have no plans of cancelling the convention. If this should change, we will of course announce it as soon as possible, but it's currently not on the drawing board.

Until then, on the basis of the guidelines set by the Ministry of Health, we encourage you to wash your hands often, cough and sneeze into your elbow, and contact a doctor on the phone if you get sick and have been in a country affected by COVID-19 in the last 14 days or been in contact with a person with COVID-19. Most importantly, you should not visit your doctor unannounced if this is the case.

You can read the report from the Ministry of Health here (in Danish):