CICAF-participants 2015

April 24, 2015

Who are you?



Name: Kamilla Renee
Alias: Kami Renee
Age: 24
Occupation: Independent
Cosplay-experience: 8 years, with ~40 cosplays
Other interests: Fashion & movies



Name: Mie Roesgaard
Alias: Mie Rose
Website: Instagram-MieRose, Youtube-MieRoseLive, Facebook-MieRoseCosplay
Age: 23
Education: 1 year Master: Japanstudies
Job: Japansese teacher/Hotel receptionist
Cosplay-experience: 7 years (35+ costumes)
Other interests: Drawing, workout, traveling


What is your expectations/what are you looking forward for CICAF?

Kami Renee: Expand my network and to get insight on the chinese convention-scene. + Filled stomach from all the delightful food.

Mie Rose: I'm not quite sure, if i expect something special. I have a slight idea how huge this convention is, and I'm really just looking forward to see what it is, that J-Popcon choose to send me to, haha. I hope to meet other international cosplayers, and I'm really looking forward to experience China in general, as I've never imagined to ever get the chance to.


(Photo by Silas: SAKS photography)

What costumes will you bring?


Kami Renee 

- Marie Antoinette from Rose of Versailles

- Shirayuri Hime from Zone-00

- Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata


Mie Rose

- Oscar from Rose of Versailles

- Mayoko from Zone-00

- Mitsuki from Kyoukai no Kanata


(Photo by Emilie: DustyPhotography)

What will you perform with? Have you made some changes since your qualification at J-Popcon?

Mie Rose: We have had the opportunity to expand our act a lot, compared to what we could at J-Popcon, so hopefully people will have a more easy time to understand who I am, especially! (Lady Oscar). But all our core-elements will remain the same, as we really have no time to make something wild new, as i just had a trip to Japan, a month after we qualified!


Any additions?

Kami Renee: We hope to proudly represent Denmark! We vill do our best on and off the stage. We will as well document as much as possible, with lots of pictures and video, which we can make a great report, once we get home. 

Mie Rose: Thanks to J-Popcon for sending us? BD <3